Monday, June 8, 2009

Snake Mistake

Sometimes when someone tells you they've found a dead diamond back rattlesnake and then asks if you want to go see it, you get really excited because you've never seen one before and when you lived in AZ you would cheer for the Diamondbacks.

So, you walk all the way up a big hill...
And when you get to the top and you see it....only it's not really a diamondback
but a flattened blow snake....this is your reaction

It was an honest mistake. And I guess it was cool seeing my very first real, live (but actually dead) snake.


Ben said...

I never know which one of you are writing. Sometimes I can definitely tell it's Mumphy, and other times I can tell it's Cassie. I think today's was written by Alexa, due to the image at the end.

Thomas said...

She looks like she'll never forgive you for telling her it was a real diamondback.

Ryan Smart said...

This post made me laugh-We miss that face. That was the look every morning she gave us as if to say, "Why are you here and when will you leave?"

Coree Adams said...

LOL That's really unfortunate.

Allison said...

I too laughed out loud. What a great expression!

M.M.M. said...

I really did "lol" on that one.